Educational workshops
We have developed a range of workshops that can be delivered in your school grounds or at our own centre of excellence. Our Workshops have a strong emphasis on cross-curricular teaching where learners will be able to study the full curriculum. We provide pupils with subject-specific vocabulary and knowledge allowing them to build links and enhance learning of other subject. Our workshops promote positive learner attitude towards their education and encourage children to commit to their learning, be resilient to setbacks and take pride in their achievements. Our workshops utilise as many senses as possible which is important for the synthesis of learning with research showing that a sensory mix provides the most beneficial learning outcome irrespective of subject matter.We tailor all our workshops to suit all ages, key stages and abilities and can adapt them to other areas of the curriculum or topic if you have something in mind.
Our workshops can be stand alone or provided complementary with all landscape and garden maintenance contract.
- Half day £250.00 inc materials
- Morning or afternoon session up to two classes of thirty children
- Full day £400.00 inc materials
- Morning session up to two classes of thirty children
- Afternoon session up to two classes of thirty children
Log Creations
This is our new workshop adapted from our very popular Stick Man Tree Workshop. The children can build all sorts of animals like rabbits, for an Easter workshop and characters from books such as Stick Man. During this workshop the children will look at the job of a joiner and then become one as they build their own log creation.
This workshop can be connected to a variety of different curriculum subjects, such as science, maths, history and geography. It also involves careers education looking at joiners and carpenters.
The planting workshop looks at jobs relating to gardeners or farmers. We will discuss the uses of plants by humans in history and how plants create specific habitats and ecosystems for wildlife. We can create these beautiful habitats in your school grounds or at our Education Centre. Our planting workshops can be based around a number of things including;
- Insect gardens
- Herb gardens
- Vegetable gardens
- Wildflower gardens
- Topic of your choice
Curriculum Links
Sustainability – Management of habitats in the environment to produce a thriving ecosystem
Maths – Working out area and how many plants it will task to cover a certain area when given a predetermined distance between the plants
History – We will learn about uses for plants by our ancestors
English – Use discussion in order to learn; they will have the chance to elaborate, explain clearly and become competent in their understanding and ideas, speaking and listening, making formal presentations, demonstrating to others and participating in debate based around wildlife habitats, life cycles, ecosystems and the history of plants and human use of them
Science – Identification of plants, life cycles and habitats and ecosystems
Reading and Writing – Children will be encouraged and supported to read and write around the subject matter
Tree workshop/Christmas Tree workshop
In this workshop, the children will discover the job of a tree surgeon with working demonstrations of chainsaws, chippers and other tree surgery tools. We seamlessly link curriculum, class topics and other subjects including Eco-Schools topics to the sessions, providing a fun and exciting interactive learning experience.
Curriculum Links
Sustainability – Management of trees in the environment to produce healthy forests
Maths – Working out the age of trees
Geography – Placing trees on a map of the school using grid references
English – Using the words of different trees and descriptive words
Reading and Writing – Children will be encouraged and supported to read and write around the subject matter
Science – Identification of trees, characteristics of trees and pathogens
Bug and woodland creatures hunt
On our bug and woodland creature hunt the children will become wildlife rangers and learn how even the smallest of creatures, like ants, are vital to our ecosystems. At our centre we will take a walk through our 25 acres of woodland and meadows hunting for bugs and woodland animals whilst learning how to build habitats and homes for not just in the woodlands but also in your home and schools. we can also deliver this workshop in your school and build different versions of bug hotels. This workshop can be connected to class topics or books.
Curriculum Links
Sustainability – Management of habitats in the environment to produce a thriving ecosystem
Maths – Working out the how far the territory is in miles/meters
Geography – Placing the territory of badgers and other wildlife found on a map of the school/Education Centre using grid references
English – Use discussion in order to learn; they will have the chance to elaborate, explain clearly and become competent in their understanding and ideas, speaking and listening, making formal presentations, demonstrating to others and participating in debates based around wildlife habitats, life cycles and orienteering
Reading and Writing – Children will be encouraged and supported to read and write around the subject matter
Science – Identification of bugs and small woodland creatures, life cycles and habitats and ecosystems
Orienteering – Navigating the territory of animals on a map
Bird hunt
In this workshop we become joiners and discover the tools and techniques they use. We will be building bird boxes using real tools and putting these into your school grounds or taking them back to your school. We will also go on a bird watching expedition around your school grounds or our Education Centre's 25 acres of woodland and meadows. We can connect this workshop to different topics or books.
Curriculum Links
Sustainability – Management of habitats in the environment to produce a thriving ecosystem
Maths – Measuring the bird box to work out the area inside them.
Geography – Placing the bird box we have put up on a map of the school/Education Centre using grid references
English – Use discussion in order to learn; they will have the chance to elaborate, explain clearly and become competent in their understanding and ideas, speaking and listening, making formal presentations, demonstrating to others and participating in debates based around wildlife habitats and life cycles
Reading and Writing – Children will be encouraged and supported to read and write around the subject matter
Science – Identification of different birds, life cycles and habitats and ecosystems
Joinery – Using real tools to build bird boxes
Pond dipping and pond ecology
In our pond dipping workshop children will look at the jobs relating to the environment agency, the river trust and aquatic and marine biologist. We will go pond dipping in both our stagnant and spring fed ponds looking at the aquatic life and discuss the differences in then. We can connect this workshop to different topics or books.
Curriculum Links
Sustainability – Management of habitats in the environment to produce a thriving ecosystem
Maths – Measuring the depths, volumes and areas
Geography – Working out on a map where fish and other water creatures could have come from
English – Use discussion in order to learn; they will have the chance to elaborate, explain clearly and become competent in their understanding and ideas, speaking and listening, making formal presentations, demonstrating to others and participating in debates based around wildlife habitats and life cycles
Reading and Writing – Children will be encouraged and supported to read and write around the subject matter
Science – Identification of different creatures by characteristics, life cycles, habitats, ecosystems pond ecology
Nature walk
Along our nature walk, the children will become a forest ranger and learn how they work with the forest to create sustainable environments and ecosystems within the forest. We will take a walk through our 25 acres of woodland and meadows hunting for bugs and woodland animals, looking at the mushrooms and fungi around the forest floor, looking at the pond life and looking at the different types of trees in our woodland. We will learn how to build habitats and homes for not just in the woodlands but also in your home and schools and build brash lines in our forest. We can connect this workshop to different topics or books.
Curriculum Links
Sustainability – Management of habitats in the environment to produce a thriving ecosystem
Maths – Measuring the depths, volumes and areas, working out the how far in miles/meters the territories are and Working out the age of trees
Geography – Working out on a map where fish and other water creatures could have come from and Placing the territory of badgers and other wildlife found on a map of the school/Education Centre using grid references
English – Use discussion in order to learn; they will have the chance to elaborate, explain clearly and become competent in their understanding and ideas, speaking and listening, making formal presentations, demonstrating to others and participating in debates based around wildlife habitats and life cycles
Reading and Writing – Children will be encouraged and supported to read and write around the subject matter
Science – Identification of different creatures by characteristics, life cycles, habitats, ecosystems pond ecology, trees and pathogens
Live projects
There will be continuous live projects going on around the Education Centre from dry stone wall building, pond extension, tree house building and log cabins being built. Our live projects will connect skilled trades, curriculum and activities to the project at the time.

Get in touch
If you’ve a project to discuss, some maintenance we can help with, or you’d like to find out more about our innovative approach…drop us a line.

Oak Tree Farm
Tickhill Lane
Dilhorne, Staffordshire
ST10 2PL

Unit 12, Lindsays Ind. Estate
Oakfield Rd, Davenport
Stockport, Cheshire